11 March 2010


My friend Owen McBride Platt has picked up the hobby of making what he calls "lolz." He makes all kinds of things, and recently did a series of them as a project for appropriation class. Well, he's really stepped up his game this time, making a "lol" that is guaranteed to have only three people really understand it.

09 March 2010

appropriation, Gremlins, and the first sign of the apocalypse

Yesterday a project I made for Appropriation class was critiqued. It's a weird, found-footage movie and unlike anything I'd made before, and even though the critique went really well and I got a lot of really great feedback on what was widely accepted as a very successful piece, I'm still not entirely confident in it. But, I do love it a lot and so here it is.

Untitled, March 2010 from Ethan Holbrook on Vimeo.

The footage is taken from an old film called They Grow Up So Fast, and the audio is taken from an interview with Rick Warren from a year or two ago.

Today Ned and I went to Roseville because I had to pick up a suit there but while we were waiting we went to Half-Price Books and I found probably the greatest thing ever made, read-along Gremlins story books on 45s!!

I grew up on this kind of stuff when I was little. I love the language of the books, and I love the kid-friendly illustrations. I haven't listened to the vinyl yet but I'm sure it's awesome as well.

P.S. I guess I have a twitter now. I've been using it to help flex my writing skills in a different way and so far I have enjoyed the results.